Last year, after my last post, I decided what I really needed were true (correct) texts to work with.
I took the C# program I wrote to extract the text of SuZ from its PDF file, and modified the code to work with the PDF for another book. And then repeated the exercise, created another program for the next PDF book. The PDF of each book is sufficiently different from the others, that I haven't been able to write a general program for converting PDF pages to HTML pages. I wrote programs to covert the PDFs for Logic, Being & Truth, and Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy. I started from the highest quality PDFs, so that the generated HTML pages would not requires any editing. I modified the program I had written to upload the SuZ pages to the cloud and index them in the GA App's search system.
In the summer I went to a seminar with assigned Heidegger texts. I wrote programs for the texts' books' PDFs, to convert the PDF pages to HTML. Because the PDFs were low quality, I had to edit corrections on all the pages.
I was learning AngularJS at the time and I wrote an angular app for each of the texts, to be able to easily find pages during the seminar. Links to the apps are in this post. I also added the pages to the GA App, to be able to search them.
At the Heidegger Circle in Chicago, I agreed with Andrew Mitchell to host a seminar on his book The Fourfold. When Andrew picked the Heidegger texts for the seminar I created programs to extract the text from the PDF files, and wrote angular apps to page through each text. For a couple of the essays, I also created HTML pages for their corresponding German pages from the GA, and linked the translation pages to the original pages. I created HTML pages for all the Bremen lectures, and Andrew's book, and indexed everything in the GA App.
I expect to keep generating more pages and adding them to the GA App's index.